One of the most versatile of all partnered dances, West Coast Swing is perfect for any type of dance club and can be danced to almost any music so long as it is in 4/4 time, making it very popular and useful and especially common at country dancehalls.
West Coast Swing is a "slotted" dance, whereby the dancers adhere to an imaginary narrow rectangle, or "slot". The follower is led back and forth along this slot by the leader, who only leaves the slot to lead the follower past them.
Sometimes, instructors make learning how to dance west coast swing far more difficult than it has to be. The truth is that most every pattern you'll ever dance is some variation of just a handful of basic moves.
West Coast Swing is unique as it has there is no single "basic step." In fact, there is more than one basic step. These are usually in 6 or 8 beat increments, and incorporate various open and closed dance positions. Linear and elastic movements are characteristic of West Coast Swing, and most of the variations feature walks and triple steps.
If you've ever tried west coast swing and felt overwhelmed at how complicated it seemed, that's probably not your fault. With the right approach, learning wcs can be quite simple.
"The truth is that most every pattern you'll ever dance is some variation of just a handful of basic moves."
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